Turn Right at Highway 40 and Keep Going Straight for Two Weeks

I have to admit Route 76 is so hip, so today, so NOW!

Route 66 is so yesterdays news. A faded recollection of past glory. It really is a wonderful reminder not to hold on to the past.

Here we are, just Standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona

Here are a few lyrics from the famous Eagles song. Pretty appropriate for my take on this moment eh?

And such a fine sight to see
It’s a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford
Slowin’ down to take a look at me
Come on, baby, don’t say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love
Is gonna save me

We may lose, and we may win
Though we will never be here again
So open up, I’m climbin’ in
So take it easy


Taking in all that no longer IS and imagining what could be if we don’t hold on to the past. Standing smack dab in the past feels like the perfect metaphor for letting go of it. It doesn’t change the shiny, sexy aspects of what was, it simply brings to light what no longer is. 

I was in this part of the world, when I was 12 on my first travel experience of my life, which got me hooked on travel by the way. I accompanied my Mom’s friend and his new Bride on their Honeymoon so I could entertain his new wife’s teen age daughter. They wanted to take a month – long tour of the United States and needed someone to befriend her kid so voila, I got a first class trip. As a companion. I remember having lunch in Flagstaff. I ordered the most delicious shrimp salad. I know right??? Shrimp in Flagstaff but what did I know I was 12.  Doesn’t everyone remember what they had for lunch 59 years ago?

I also remember visiting The Petrified Forest and the Painted Desert. Today, I got to do it in the front seat with a whole lot more appreciation for nature and miracles.


Gotta hand it to Gaia she is quite a Gal.

6 Responses
  1. Danelle

    I remember Winslow, Arizona and on one of our two trips across the country. My husband ordered roast beef in a Chinese restaurant. He still regrets it. We were also confused about what time it was because they did not honor daylight saving time. Felt like we were in the “twilight zone”! So glad you are sharing your travel experiences! You know you could write another book? I tried to get Inger to writing her travels. Billy could illustrate it with his artwork!

  2. Sheila Davis

    It probably looked the same when you were 12 😆 – ancient lands. You’re taking your time and that’s great! Going to the canyon? How did you decide your route and how long are you going to take? Have you got a home picked out already or are you planning to build? Such exciting changes!

    1. Holly Stiel

      Hi Sheila,
      Definitely not building We bought home in Weaverville, 8 miles north of Asheville. Taking 2 weeks to get there. No Grand Canyon, went to a canyon in Texas yesterday.

  3. This is so exciting to make this journey with you! And I agree that this sounds like a book in the making to share your adventures with all who are sitting at home dreaming of adventures.
    I hope you are able to meet some of the wonderful people who live along your route…..
    making memories!!

  4. Kathy Langley

    Always fun to hear what you’re up to, Holly…never a dull moment! Looking forward to following along on this journey with you and Billy.😘

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