“[Your presentations] were the most entertainingand engaging presentations that I have had the privilege to watch in my 30 years in the business world.”

                                                  – Jeff Byrd, Vice President, Bristol Raceway NASCAR

hospitality trainings

Holly Stiel offers customer service training for businesses, hospitality organizations, and non-profits worldwide. Her customer service training is based on her concierge philosophy of superior customer service.

Because of Holly’s use of the world-class concierge as her model and metaphor for the pinnacle of catering to customers, and because of her own background as a concierge, many people assume that her programs are primarily intended as hospitality workshops, but this is not the case. Indeed, Holly’s client list includes numerous non-hospitality businesses and organizations in addition to her many hospitality workshop clients.

All the programs/topics listed below can be adapted as workshops, breakout sessions or trainings and can be offered to fit any time slot from one hour to full days.

All customer service trainings incorporate a range of adult learning styles and are directed toward both auditory and kinesthetic learners. Every workshop features Holly’s signature dynamic, entertaining and interactive teaching style, and incorporates individual exercises, group activities, dyads, triads, skill practices, and role playing.

Holly receives rave reviews for her trainings from participants, event planners and employers alike. Her client list reads like a Who’s Who in business and hospitality.

To get a sense of Holly’s customer service training style, please click here to view video clips of Holly “in action.”

All customer service programs are appropriate as hospitality workshops or workshops for any business, company, organization or non-profit that has a customer service component.


Customer Service Trainings

Spirit in Service

In this stimulating seminar, Holly Stiel shares the skills she acquired from 17 years as a world-class concierge.  Holly reveals that it’s not what you do, but how you do it.  Participants will not only learn to think like a concierge, but to feel like one.  Learn the secret of Holly’s signature Neon Signs of Service and the techniques of human interaction that will make each encounter with the customer fruitful for both of you. You will not only take away memorable and accessible practices that can be immediately applied; but Holly’s humorous, heartfelt delivery will in itself illustrate her message.  More info . . .

The Two Most Important Skills in Customer Service


In this highly interactive workshop, Holly Stiel distills her service philosophy into the two most important skills every service provider needs to learn.

    In a world where the only thing anyone ever wants to hear is YES and you sometimes have to be the messenger of NO, it is important to learn how to deliver the disappointing news. For the times when Yes is not an option—learn how to make NO fly.
    When things go wrong, knowing how to apologize can turn an upset customer into a loyal one. Get an A in service with the four A’s in the Art of the Apology  More info . . .

Working With Challenging Cutomers

It’s easy to be nice when all is going well, but the real challenge in service is in learning how to deal with that small percentage of customers that trigger negative emotions that cause us to act out in anger, frustration, and annoyance. Learn the traps of having to be right and how this subtle interaction causes everyone to lose. Learn to recognize the power of your choice—you can change the outcome of any interaction.  More info . . .

Taking Care of Yourself, So,
You Have What it Takes to Take Care of Others

It is simply not possible to consistently give to others if you do not take care of yourself. Holly’s message focuses on the human needs underneath the business needs. This seminar is filled with practical, time sensitive and budget conscious ideas for balancing your life and re-defining the way you view your health and wealth. Holly will demonstrate techniques, such as grounding and centering, which can be employed in the workplace and beyond.
More info . . .

Service is a Gift:
How to Create and Sustain a Culture of Service

Do you want to know the answers? You have to know the right questions first.
Holly reveals the five most important questions every employee needs the answers to. Riffing on the five “W”s that you learned in school—who, what, where, why and how—Holly has created an efficient practice that any employee can utilize no matter what kind of service they provide. She makes it look easy. With every employee asking and answering the same five questions, customers will appreciate a familiar standard of thoroughness and accuracy.

If you want to know how businesses renowned for their superior service manage to provide it consistently, Holly will show you how. This interactive talk introduces Holly’s foolproof formula for transforming your company into a service superstar.  More info . . .

Hospitality in Action for Senior Living


Holly Stiel, in partnership with Pinwheel Performance, has developed and successfully implemented this step-by-step plan which enhances the customer (resident, patient, client and guests) experience. This initiative has been successfully adapted to Senior Living, Health Care and Hotels.
More info…


Holly facilitates a collaborative work session where learners create and document service standards for the company or a business unit or even a city. Holly believes that sales and service are connected and connects the dots to these concepts throughout the workshop. More info…

For more information, contact Holly at holly@thankyouverymuchinc.com or 415.302.8026.