Automated Thank You Machine

When you call your business Thank You Very Much Incorporated, it will come as no surprise that this marketing campaign from the TD Bank in Canada simply thrilled me. I encourage you to set aside 4 minutes to watch this remarkable video where the “automatic thanking machine” personalizes special gifts for TD’s loyal customers.

I love the whole idea, especially the effort the entire bank staff put into selecting the people to recognize, knowing what would deeply touch them and then creating personalized experiences. The fact that TD followed through and made it happen is awesome. It is a wow on so many levels. Teamwork, customer appreciation, personalization, surprise, off-the-charts marketing, inspiration, innovation, technology, and heart-felt human connectedness all came together to create a genuine experience of corporate care where everyone is a winner.

The authenticity of the event and element of surprise exponentially increased the emotional connection with the clientele. The customers thought they were participating in a focus group, but instead they were gifted with thoughtful, generous, priceless presents. The reactions are priceless too. Get some Kleenex instead of popcorn and enjoy. Thank you Very Much TD!

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