Inward Prayer/Outward Manifestation

Working with my peers in Dubai and Qatar brought to life the prayer I have been saying several times a day for years.

A few years ago I came across a small book at a flea market called, “The Prayer Of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life.” It caught my attention because I had recently heard someone speaking about the power of that little prayer. The prayer comes from an obscure biblical verse and the words have guided my actions and thoughts daily ever since I encountered it.

Prayer of Jabeez
“Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory
that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil. “

“Oh that you would bless me indeed” has to do with gratitude. I take the time every day to say thank you for the many blessings that I have all around me. It is impossible to be afraid or angry and grateful at the same moment, so the more gratitude you experience in your life, the less stressful your life will be.

“And enlarge my territory” is about expanding the opportunities to do my work and touch peoples’ lives through my passion and experience. Because there were 450 people from countries around the world attending the workshops in Dubai and Qatar, I couldn’t help but smile and be deeply touched by the opportunity to “expand my territory” that was so obviously manifesting in the Middle East.

“That your hand would be with me” serves as a constant reminder to be on the lookout for signs and divine coincidences that reinforce a connection to a power greater than myself.  Sometimes we need to ask for a sign; other times we only need to notice them as they occur.

“Keep me from evil” reminds me that we are all challenged by negative traits and emotions like jealousy, greed, betrayal, et al. Although I doubt that we can ever be totally free of all these human weaknesses, I do believe with the right attitude and good choices we can lessen their frequency.

I add another part, “Let me know peace.”  It helps me to feel calm in the midst of chaos and the unknown.

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